I love watching my Petunias and Nasturtiums roam wild and free, spreading and intertwining themselves far and wide across flowerbeds and paths. The sweet peas so apparently innocuous in their beginnings rise and twist upwards, stretching and twirling, seductive and tantalising as they grow- their bursts of colour rather dramatically leap out from the dancing green scenery surrounding them. The perfect Petunias too, I celebrate their tender, delicate flower heads like a siren to the bees so vibrant and enticing.
My style and preferred way of gardening is to let the wild, roaming plants do their thing.
Leaving them alone I watch them flourish and it feels as if they appreciate the freedom. I'm sure I see their "nod" of approval as they grow! Too much pruning, staking and attempts to control them and they soon let me know how unhappy they are. Unable to travel so far the blooming flower heads seem weaker, less vibrant. In order to flourish some plants do require guidance and support and with the extra attention from the human hands that guide and love them they show their appreciation by their vibrancy and health. However with too much clipping and restraining plants can lose their zest for life, wither and die.
It's all about balance.
Don't do anything forcefully.
Be gentle.
Work with reason and be considerate to all the factors that affect the plant, and with that attitude your plants will thrive.
My husband Andrew has said to me more than once that he thinks I have, "green fingers."
I'm not so sure about that, but I do appreciate plants; their uniqueness and beauty and I do my best to nurture and care for them as unintrusively as possible.
We all have different ways of gardening and being in this world, be passionate and honest and your life and garden will be a reflection of your love, focus and dedication.
With love,
Kathleen x