Monday 4 February 2013

Living the dream...not dreaming the life

We all have ideas and dreams about the life we want,  but mostly we manage to busy ourselves and avoid paying much attention to those dreams.
Then in the quiet times, a thought begins to squirm it's way into our minds tapping at the door of our imagination, it sneaks and snakes it's way from the blind darkness to the daylight at the forefront of our body and mind.  We feel excitement in our core as we see ourselves living this dream, our mind begins to lay out plans like an architect at his drawing board. We can visualise clearly and feel what it's like to be in that amazing place.  Then BANG! There's a knock at the door, or the phone rings, or you hear your name being called, and you're thrown right back into your current reality.  
With a heavy sigh you just get on with it.....after all you were only dreaming about the life you'd like.  But what if that was only partly true?  
What if it was only in those quiet times that your mind knew it could take the opportunity to show you what was possible for you?  What if, in even a small way you paid more attention to those ideas and did something, anything that would take you just one step closer to achieving that dream?  Taking steps towards living your dream will surely uplift you more than simply dreaming the life you desire.  It won't necessarily be an easy road, but by simply taking steps towards your dreams you have paid attention to that "nudge" from your core, that truth telling, all knowing part of you and with perseverance you might start living your dream!
"The tests can be harder than one imagined. But they are necessary in order to learn. And each of them brings us closer to the realisation of our dreams." - Paulo Coelho. 
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined." - Henry David Thoreau.

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