Thursday 29 July 2010


On Tuesday I had the mother of all migraines - all encompassing, all consuming and just plain annoying!

It got me thinking about how aligning pain is. There seems to be no separation between headmind and bodymind when one is consumed by pain. The opposite is true too - when we are overwhelmed by joy :)

Thinking about when I gave birth to my children the pain was all I could focus on, but the moment I held them my headmind & bodymind alignment had me consumed by love and joy.

Just think, if we practised the art of being grounded in now we could recognise the sensations and feelings we have in each and every moment - understand that it's all transient and therefore be less attached to them.

I found a lovely passage in Ekhart Tolle's "Stillness Speaks" that explains it beautifully.

"Nothing could be more normal than an unwillingness to suffer. Yet if you can let go of that unwillingness, and instead allow the pain to be there, you may notice a subtle inner separation from the pain, a space between you and the pain, as it were. This means to suffer consciously, physical pain can quickly burn up the ego in you, since ego consists largely of resistance." - Eckhart Tolle

1 comment:

  1. First response, reading this: No, can't be. Pain will make Headmind create disaster images - what will happen if pain gets stronger?
    At some point, however, it seems right - when the pain is so strong that Headmind concludes that death is better than the pain. HM stops resisting and works with BM.....?
